
Showing posts from July, 2013


woookkeeehhh aku mmg amik kesempatan lah kan.. ble balik KL... ni ah peluang nak shopping yg heaven skit klu kat penang stakat @queensbaymall atau @Gurney plaza je lah.. ada jugak tmpt2 lain tp jarang gle pergi tp ktorg kerap ke QB sbb dekat... so ini lah peluang kemasan yang x kan ku lepaskan.. tp tu pon ada masa kejap je..sbb nk balik tanjung malim MIL house... so juz shopping ikut masa yg ada je lah... nak ke peeeehhhh gle x boleh nak masuk jln ke sogo dri jalan kuching nak exit ke arah sogo tu mmg jammed gle2.... so mmg ktorg SO GO lah dri jalan tu.. hahahaahahaha .... akhirnya decide ke Bukit Bintang je... shopping je lah kat area2 BB je... reason y ktorg shopping awal coz of xnak penat nnti bulan pose.. klu jalan single je takpe.. ni nak bawak budak2 kecik ni..uuiissshh x larat la.. mcm2 kerenah diorg tu nnti.. ni pgi time tak pose pon dah mcm2 dah diorg buat.. si adik ok je just lasak je la kan.. si kakak tu..mcm2 ngalahkan bdk kecik.. laparrr

day's before ramadhan

we r going back to hometown.. ma mum buat kenduri kesykuran & tahlil sempena menyambut ramadhan alhamdulillah impian ibuku tercapai aku balik dri penang ke kuala lumpur so ini adalah keadaan anakku fayyadh naufal yang x senang duduk jalan jauh... dia cepat bosan gaknya... hehehehe...mcm2 boy tu tetap boy jugaakk laahhh... pening pala mmy :-) pic time kenduri xde sebab almaklumlah tuan rumah bz memasak lah..mengemas umh lah..mcm2 lgik.. SALAM RAMADHAN AL MUBARAK

exercise for healthy

After loosing a small weight aku dah confident skit nak g jogging & exercise sambil2 tu leh beriadah bersama fmly it a good healthy life

New me after Dieting & Using PB

this me before... wif the pink & black shirt it was 8 month ago (oct 2012) after 5 month deliver ma 2nd bby..i put on weight & after, me wif the gray kebaya waz last week pic (jun 2013) yyeeaaayyyy finally im loosing my weight now i can wear ma old clothes before my first preggy time dieting is for control my calories intake & PB is for get more shaping on my body also i got my motivation from i buy a book how to loose a 5kg in 5 weeks  im using PB for 8 month & im try dieting juz 2 month ago & its work in shaa allah if u make effort 8 months of  hardwork   determination & courage. Combination of PB, healthy diet & exercise. i got my perfect shape and yes, more trimmings to go!!  Wanna know more about PB? u can ask me or email me TQ k.yanna that promote me to the premium beautiful owwwwhh yez  myself as a 

Happy fathers day Daddy

Ok nothing yg nak kasi ddy juz a smple card from: mommy & farisya & fayyadh Tq my hubby for being a good hubby to me.. being a good daddy to farisya & fayyadh we'll luv u forever & i'll alwiz luv & need u be with me till jannah in sha allah

trying to be healthy

ok after dah diliver 2 baby's aku rasa berat badan aku menaik dgn jayanya mula mmg nak diet tp juz tnggal angan2 je.. but diz time aku mmg nekad utk turun berat bdn atlest 5kg within 5 weeks yeeezzz it works...first of all i cut my calories in take.. from a big potion to a small potion seriously its not an easy thing when u wanna change u eat routine but slowly practice & now i can control my diet also fasting helping me control my diet this is d menu during my diet time.. yg pntg masak sndiri coz we control the ingredients i've to work harder.. so coming fasting month next month leh ah control my diet in sha allah...

My first Mother's day wish

alhamdulillah masih diberi nafas untuk menjadi ibu pada dua anak ku.. wlpon masih bru mnjadi ibu aku sangat bahagia & happy mereka ada lah kurnian ilahi yang tiada tadingnya Terima kasih Farisya nadhirah for a mother's day card even dia juz color je but it meaning a lot to me mommy luv kakak sya & adik fayyadh so much...